How to Help

Make a Planned Gift

Impact your community for generations to come. Leave your legacy through a planned gift to Community Action.

How do you want to be remembered? 

Chances are, if you’re here, you’ve asked yourself this question a time or two. You’ve thought about your passions – the causes closest to your heart. And you’ve taken time to consider what the world will look like for future generations…how you might make it better, brighter, and kinder.

Making a planned gift to support the work of Community Action is a powerful way to impact generations to come. By committing to a planned gift today, you will become a member of our Legacy Circle, a special group of donors who will play a significant role in advancing the work of Community Action well into the future. It’s the perfect way to make a big impact for tomorrow without affecting your financial situation today.

Our Legacy Circle

Our Legacy Circle is a special group of donors who will play a significant role in advancing the work of Community Action for generations to come. Membership is reserved for those who have named Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties, Inc. as a beneficiary of their will/estate or have directed another type of eligible planned gift to the organization. 

As a Legacy Circle member, you will join a dedicated group of like-minded individuals who have decided to leave a lasting gift impacting future generations of children, adults, and seniors served by Community Action and its programs. In joining our Legacy Circle, please know that the details of your gift will remain confidential. Your gift information and name will not be released or published without your consent. You may also decline membership in our Legacy Circle or request to remain anonymous. 

Legacy Circle benefits include:

  • Invitations to exclusive members-only events
  • Commemorative lapel pin
  • Recognition in select agency publications, such as our annual report or newsletters 
  • And more!

How do I get started?

Making a planned gift is often a simple process that primarily involves completing necessary forms with your financial advisor, tax professional, or attorney. You can join our Legacy Circle today by informing us of your intention to name Community Action Partnership of Lancaster and Saunders Counties, Inc. as a beneficiary in/of your:

  1. Will or estate
  2. Retirement plan, such as an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), etc.
  3. Bank or brokerage accounts
  4. Paid-up life insurance policy
  5. Another type of planned gift arrangement 

If you do not currently work with a financial planner, we'd be happy to connect you with someone to initiate the process.

To discuss your plan today, please contact: 

Heather Loughman (she, her, hers)
Chief Executive Officer


Jessie Hedrick (she, her, hers)
Communications and Development Director

Community Action's EIN is 47-0491162