If you’ve found yourself on this page of our site, it means that you desire to make your community a better place. It means that you wish to share kindness, and offer hope to your neighbors. For that, I want to thank you.
I’ve had the honor of working at Community Action for the past 10 years. And during that time, one of the greatest joys I’ve experienced has been receiving the generous financial gifts of people like you. Your support means a great deal to our agency, our participants, and to me. Your contributions make it possible for us to quickly respond to community needs, serve a greater number of individuals in need of support, and ultimately further our efforts to work toward the elimination of poverty – a big undertaking, but one I know is possible with committed people like you on our side.
As you browse our giving options, I invite you to give in a way most meaningful to you. You may choose to support areas of greatest need, or designate support to one of our many poverty-fighting programs.
Thank you for being here.