Home Learning Resources for Children and Families
Wondering how to best support your child’s learning during this period of social distancing? Here’s a list of links to free online learning resources and activities, compiled by the Community Action Head Start team:
- Scholastic
- Go Noodle
- Khan Academy Kids
- Peep and the Big Wide World
- National Geographic Kids
- Macaroni Kid
- Education.com
Screen Time
While online learning has become an important part of our lives, here are few key reminders about screen time:
- Limit screen time to 1-2 hours per day.
- Choose high-quality media and, when possible, use it with your child.
- Make sure to include blocks of media-free time in your daily routine.
- Rather than relying on screens, allow plenty of time for activities that include talking, singing, playing (don’t forget about that active play, and if you are unable to get outside, give the go noodle app above a try!), creating, and sleeping.
Preserving Routines
While many of our typical routines will be altered during this time, it is important to remember that children need routines to develop and maintain a sense of safety and security in their environments. Additionally, routines help children learn expectations and limits, foster independence, establish healthy habits, and generally help everyone’s days (including parents!) run more smoothly! While change is often a learning opportunity, it can also be extremely stressful for children, so maintaining a routine, even if slightly altered, can bring needed comfort and consistency to all.
Daily routines might include: Wake-up times, mealtimes, tooth brushing times, chore time, play/learning time, outside time, family time, naptimes and bedtimes. The following link includes a sample schedule, as well as a free printable that can be altered to fit your family’s individual needs: