Supportive Housing Program

Supportive Housing Program

Rapid re-housing is an intervention designed to help people quickly exit homelessness and return to permanent housing. Intensive in-home case management services are offered to address barriers to housing stability. Assistance in rapid re-housing is intended to be the shortest term possible to meet the needs of the household.

The program specifically serves individuals who are: 1.) Pregnant, have custody of their children, or have a reunification plan within six months; 2.) Verifiably homeless; and 3.) At least 18 years of age.

The Supportive Housing Program ONLY takes referrals from the Coordinated Entry system and does not accept direct applications.

The All Doors Lead Home Coordinated Entry System is the City of Lincoln’s approach to organizing and providing housing services for people experiencing homelessness. Because housing resources are limited, this process is designed to ensure that individuals and families with the highest vulnerability, service needs, and length of homelessness receive top priority in housing placement.

If you are interested in being referred to the Coordinated Entry System, locations of assessment sites are HERE

Want to Know More?

If you want to know more about Community Action's Supportive Housing program, or have questions regarding eligibility, please contact: 

Heather Klein
Supportive Housing Program Senior Family Advocate
(402) 875-9368

Chad Frank
Supportive Housing Administrator
(402) 875-9341