Both landlord and tenant should keep accurate and complete records of the tenancy, including a copy of the lease, any modifications or renewals of the lease, inspection sheets, communications between the parties, and any other item that affects the landlord/tenant relationship. This documentation will help to prevent disputes between landlord and tenant, and can be instrumental in quickly solving disputes that do arise.
The following should be kept:
- A copy of the signed and dated lease after all changes and strikes have been properly initialed.
- A copy of the move-in inspection sheet and any pictures from the move-in inspection.
- A copy of all correspondence that has taken place between the tenant and landlord (such as notices to or from the landlord or letters to or from the landlord).
- Cancelled checks or receipts for rent payments and any other type of payments.
- A copy of any agreements modifying or terminating the lease, signed and dated.
- Accurate notes that reflect conversations either by telephone or in person between the landlord and tenant.
Generally, anything that pertains to the landlord-tenant relationship should be reduced to written form, signed and dated, and put into your record file.