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Forms & Notices

14-Day/30-Day Notice to Landlord

Below is a sample 14-day/30-day notice to the landlord to maintain the property. This notice is used when a landlord has failed to maintain the property or perform any other duty required under the lease. For more information about the 14-day/30-day notice, see 14-Day/30-Day Notice to Landlord. To use this sample, take out the information between brackets and replace it with information specific to your situation. Use the link below the notice to download a sample form.

14-Day/30-Day Notice of Noncompliance

To: [Larry Landlord
123 Landlord Lane
Lincoln, NE 68508]

From: [Terry and Theresa Tenant
123 Tenant Trail
Lincoln, NE 68508]

I am writing to notify you that you have failed to substantially comply with our lease agreement and/or minimum standards of the Housing Code in the following ways: [the east window in the living room is painted shut]

If the problem(s) listed above are not corrected in the next 14 days, I/we will terminate our lease in 30 days ((Neb. Rev. Stat. §76-1425(1)). Thank you for your consideration on this matter.

[Terry Tenant]                                              [Theresa Tenant]

Dated: [5/16/2015]

Certificate of Service

The undersigned hereby certifies that a true and accurate copy of the above and foregoing was [_X_]mailed first class postage prepaid ___ hand delivered on: [5/16/2015]

to: [Larry Landlord 123
Landlord Lane Lincoln,
NE 68508]                                     [Theresa Tenant]

Click here to download the sample form.

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