In Nebraska, it is illegal for landlords to discriminate based on a potential tenant’s status as a member of any of the following protective classes: race, color, religion, national origin, familial status, sex, or disability. This type of discrimination is against Federal law, State law, and, in some locations, city ordinance. If a tenant suspects discrimination by a landlord, the tenant should contact one of the following agencies to make a complaint and get the situation resolved:
Nebraska Equal Opportunity Commission (NEOC):
File complaints online or by phone at (800) 642-6112
Lincoln Office:
Nebraska State Office Building
301 Centennial Mall South, 5th Floor
P.O. Box 94934 Lincoln, NE 68509-4934
Tel: 402-471-2024 or 800-642-6112
Omaha Office:
State Office Building
1313 Farnam-on-the-Mall, 3rd Floor
Omaha, NE 68102-1836
Tel: 402-595-2028 or 800-382-7820
Scottsbluff Office:
Panhandle State Office Cmplx
505A Broadway, Suite 600
Scottsbluff, NE 69361-3515
Tel: 308-632-1340 or 800-830-8633
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Omaha Field Office:
Edward Zorinsky Federal Building
Suite 329
1616 Capitol Avenue
Omaha, NE 68102-4908
Tel: 402-492-3101
Lincoln Commission on Human Rights (for complaints in Lincoln):
555 S 10th St, Ste 304
Lincoln, NE 68508
Tel: 402-441-7624
Omaha Human Rights and Relations (for complaints in Omaha):
1819 Farman St., Ste 502
Omaha, NE 68183
Tel: 402-444-5055
Fair Housing Center of Nebraska-Iowa
Tel: 402-934-6675 or 800-669-3247